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Siesta Professional CpHP Liquid Chlorine & Acid Dosing Systems


The SIESTA PROFESSIONAL CpHP pool and spa ORP/pH controller is a liquid chlorine and acid feeder unit designed to accurately control combined chlorine and pH dosing automatically in a single unit. The dosing is controlled by individual probes installed on the return to pool water line. An optional timer will control water filter cycles and dosing operations. Instant pH and ORP readings can be observed on the easy to read front panel LED display. The Siesta Professional can also be used to dose carbon dioxide gas by replacing the pH pump with a solenoid.

All Siesta controllers feature a new durable sealed capsule which allows it to be fitted either inside or outside easing installation requirements.

Siesta units are equipped with pump heads sufficient for all standard sized pools.  For pools in excess of 100,000 L please contact Pool Solutions on Ph: (02) 9482 8177.


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CpHP Siesta Professional CpHP pH Pump / ORP Liquid Chlorine Pump

$1,410 inc GST


For free advice on your pool equipment requirements, call us on Ph: (02) 9482 8177


We ship Australia wide.    

We supply & install throughout metropolitan Sydney and NSW central coast.  

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PHONE: +61 2 9482 8177      FAX: +61 2 9482 9722     MOBILE: 0414 669 923     EMAIL: sales@poolsolutions.com.au

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