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Energy efficient LED pool and spa lighting for your swimming pool. Replace your pool lights with 12V LED Conversion Lights.  Energy efficient spa electrics.

Simple replacement of your existing light!

Put the life back into your old light.  Sleek - Modern  -  Powerful  -  Innovative  -  Effortless

GK7XS Retro

Pool & Spa Lights (for existing pools and spas)


inc GST

GK7S Retro

Pool & Spa Lights with 20m cable (for new pools and spas)


inc GST

free shipping


For free advice on your pool equipment requirements, call us on Ph: (02) 9482 8177

We ship Australia wide.    

We supply & install throughout metropolitan Sydney and NSW central coast.  

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PHONE: +61 2 9482 8177      FAX: +61 2 9482 9722     MOBILE: 0414 669 923     EMAIL: sales@poolsolutions.com.au

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