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Daisy Pool Blankets & Rollers


Daisy Pool Blankets Can Save You Money

Installation is easy. With care, the end result is an attractive Daisy Pool Blanket which uses the energy of the sun to raise the temperature of the pool water and also conserves the heat and water.

  • Daisy Solar Blankets can cut down water evaporation by up to 97% which also helps your chemicals last longer.

  • Save up to 70% heat loss from the surface of your pool by creating a barrier between the watersurface and outside cool air.

  • Save water evaporation upto 97%. Average Eastern seaboard pool looses 1.5mt of pool water each year without the Daisy Pool Blanket.

  • Save chemicals by keeping evaporation to a minimum your chemicals last longer and don't simply evaporate into the atmospheres.

  • Save upto 70% heat loss from the surface of your pool by creating a barrier between the water surface and outside cool air.

  • Save electricity, less running time required for solar heating pumps.

  • Save time cleaning your pool, less work for you.

  • Save your automatic pool cleaner, workload is reduced. Save chlorine lost to suns UV rays means you use less chemicals. 

Daisy Pool Rollers Save You Time & Money

The Australian made Daisy Roller is manufactured from commercial quality triangular stainless steel frame for extra stability with heavy duty diecast Aluminum hand wheel, hub and acetal bearings, Powder Coated to keep its new appearance for many years. The frame, hub and wheel is pre assembled for your convenience.

  • A benefit of the Daisy Roller is it's ease of use, your family will love it because it's a one person operation.

  • The Daisy Roller is durable and dependable. Made from quality metal products for maximum strength and performance.

  • The Daisy Roller enhances the use of pool blankets eliminating dragging and folding the blanket on and off the pool.

pool rollers

For free advice on your pool equipment requirements, call us on Ph: (02) 9482 8177

We ship Australia wide.    

We supply & install throughout metropolitan Sydney and NSW central coast.  

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PHONE: +61 2 9482 8177      FAX: +61 2 9482 9722     MOBILE: 0414 669 923     EMAIL: sales@poolsolutions.com.au

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