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ChloroMatic Reverse Polarity Salt Water Chlorinators


Self-cleaning electrolytic cell for optimal convenience

Large surface area of cell plates for high rate chlorine production

User-friendly settings and controls

Large, easy to read digital display and LED indicators

Made with corrosion resistant, UV stabilised materials for long service life

Winter Mode setting to reduce sanitiser output during the colder months, saves energy and protects equipment

High flow rate cell design for rapid pool turnover

Low salt, flow and overload indicators

Flow detector stops electrolysis if no flow is present, preventing dangerous gas build-up

Light transformer available (on some models)

Minimum Salt Level required – 3000ppm

Guarantee: 2 years Power Supply, 

                       3 Years Electrolytic Cell

Download The Product Brochure australian made

chloromatic reverse polarity



MCS16C 16

$845 inc GST

MCS24C 24

$975 inc GST


For free advice on your pool equipment requirements, call us on Ph: (02) 9482 8177


We ship Australia wide.    

We supply & install throughout metropolitan Sydney and NSW central coast.  

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PHONE: +61 2 9482 8177      FAX: +61 2 9482 9722     MOBILE: 0414 669 923     EMAIL: sales@poolsolutions.com.au

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