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Ascon MS3D MultiSolar Controller

Swimming Pool Solar Heating Controller

The MS3D solar controller is Australia's most popular solar controller, designed to give trouble free heating from the sun.

The controller is a set and forget user friendly differential temperature controlled to give trouble free pool heating.

The MS3D features include delayed startup, tropical and winter modes and the ability to fully override the controller.

For full features and benefits, CLICK HERE to download the MS3D brochure.
ASCON MS3D MultiSolar Controller $420 inc GST

For free advice on your pool equipment requirements, call us on Ph: (02) 9482 8177


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PHONE: +61 2 9482 8177      FAX: +61 2 9482 9722     MOBILE: 0414 669 923     EMAIL: sales@poolsolutions.com.au

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